
Kategorien: Unkategorisiert

Welcome to the team! (July 19)

, in Karriere | Unkategorisiert
CVO-EUROPE certifié Excellence 2019 par BPI France
CVO-EUROPE is certified „Excellence 2019“ by BPI France

For the 4th year in a row, CVO-EUROPE is certified „Excellence 2019“ by BPI France, for its exceptional growth.
Since 2016, CVO-EUROPE is a member or BPI France’s network, which is composed of several thousand companies with a common point : promising growth expectations and exceptional company paths.

6 qualities for being a top consultant in Life Sciences
The top 6 qualities to become a CVO-Europe consultant!

Becoming a consultant? Why not?! At CVO-Europe, you will have the opportunity to discover every aspect of your job, working on various and  rewarding missions for our clients.
