Our face-to-face offer

Our experts and our pedagogical engineers at the service of your upgrade skills

We use our field expertise, background in Life Sciences sector regulations, and pedagogical engineering know-how to help you design face-to-face
training sessions which optimise learning. Expert trainers with extensive field experience, enhanced face-to-face training and “gamification”: our
pedagogical engineers work alongside you to create original, interactive and effective training sessions.


Customised face-to-face training

Developing employee skills requires organising comprehensive training sessions which are up to date on all the standards in force, and with concrete examples. For training sessions to be appealing and enable learners to assimilate the most learning, they must take a real pedagogical approach by offering roleplaying, games and quizzes to encourage participants to engage.



Standard face-to-face training

Our experts can train your teams on different unmissable topics for Life Sciences Industries.

